11th bio


1.Role of biology in environmental conservation (2 times).2.How genetically identical organism are produced(cloning)(2times) 3..Hypothesis and its formulation(2times) 4.Biological method 5.Role ofbiology in human welfare.6.Role of biology in food production.7.Organ and system level organization
Ch #2 Long
Shorts questions
Why lipids are considered high energy compounds?(2 times)
Define metabolism,name types(2times)
Define nucleic acids& give examples
D/B nucleoside and nucleotide(3times)
Why Hb is considered to have qautertary structure?
How structure of lecithin is suitable to be the part of membranes?
D/B anabolism and catabolism(2times)
Write formula of amino acids(3times)
What is ionization of water
What are waxes?
How peptide bond is formed?
What are congugate molecules?
D/B micro and macromolecules
What is glycogen.?Why known as animal starch?
What are esters?Give their production?
what is glycosidic bond?
Water is thermostable?Comment.
D/B glycosidic and peptide bond.
What is gheat of vaporization?
What are polysaccharides?
Write functions of carbohydrates
D/B fibrous and globular proteins.

1)What are monosaccharides and give their characters2)Describe watson and crick model3)Importance of water in detail. 4)Write chemical composition of DNA. 5)Explain polysaccharides with examples. 6)Give importance of Carbon in skeleton of life. 7)Explain primary structure of protein8)Importance of water in detail. 9)Discus types of RNA. 10)Explain primary structure of protein11)Explain primary and secondary structure of proteins. 12)Explain structure of protein. 13)What do you know about polysac

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